JuMBO PhD thesis supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Legname, SISSA
Summary of career/studies:
I obtained my Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences at University of Palermo. During my internship, I worked in a Neurochemistry laboratory on the expression of TDP-43 in fibroblasts of fALS and sALS patients. Then I moved to Bologna where I attended the master degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology. During my internship I worked on the molecular mechanisms of a rare neurodegenerative disorder, known as AGC1 deficiency, and the effects it has on myelination process.
Why JuMBO PhD?
Jumbo PhD program is an opportunity to meet people of other institutions with different interests, giving the chance to share ideas or suggestions. For me, this PhD course represents a unique way to grow up as a scientist in an international environment and to increase my knowledge in neuroscience and neurodegeneration.